How to fish the Shad Spawn

How to fish the Shad Spawn - Lake Guntersville

Alabama Bass Guide, Ryan Salzman

How to fish the Shad Spawn - Lake Guntersville

Man what a great shad spawn... literally the best I have seen in years. It would look like the lake is boiling at times. If you paired your True Bass Swimbait on a chatterbait it was game over... like seriously. We caught so many giants on that matchup this year its not even funny. The would have it choked every time. When it would get calmer we would switch it up to just a plain True Bass Swimbait on the True Lock Swimbait head. 1/4 ounce works great for the SHAD SPAWN. You can really crawl around where they are spawning. Target new grass growth wherever that may be.

Lake Guntersville Shad Spawn

You always want to visually see some shad following your bait to indicate a good shad spawn area. Then the bass are never very far I promise. You  just have to figure out how to catch them! Another bait that I have heard great things of right now is the new True Bass "The Minner" 3.5 on an Alabama Rig right now. If you like throwing a small Keitech these things will hang right with them if not catch them better at times. We don't throw many Alabama rigs on trips. However I threw that setup in a BFL and caught over 50 fish on one rig without changing baits.

If the weather is really calm I drag a sweet beaver and a tight lines football jig in these same areas. I like using it as a trailer as well this time of year.

Give me a call and lets go fishing.

Ryan Salzman


Lake Guntersville Shad Spawn

Lake Guntersville Shad Spawn